
1. 2018년 9월 4일

무르마 2018. 9. 5. 23:33

첫 일기 교환의 날, 오늘 좀 피곤해서 내용은 부실하고 어색하다.

It's my 8th day in sydney.

after i woke up and got ready to go out.

i went head to MUJI for buying flat cushion.

=> i headed to MUJI to buy flat cushion.

and i met a girl in street who is presumed a korean.

=> and i met a girl in the street who presumed a korean.

she was trying to distribute brochure for people, but everyone ignored it.

=> brochures to people

so i went to her, and took it.

i really believe a karma.

=> believe in karma

so, today's behavior will comes to me later.

=> will come to me later

~ comment

  • 인터넷 상에서 알고 아직 실제로 만나지 않은 사이일 때는

     nice to meet u -> nice to know u 가 더 적절