3. 2018년 9월 6일
오늘은 이렇게 트라이얼이 늦게 끝날 줄 몰라서 미리 이자야한테 늦겠다는 연락을 못했다.
그래서 집으로 돌아가는 버스안에서 이자야한테 늦어서 미안하다고 말하고 허겁지겁 적어서 보냈다.
today is my trial day.
i was glad to go work :)
many people says "now, sydney is hard to get a job"
~more natural
=> now, it's difficult to get a job in sydney
but i'm the lucky one.
i studied about japanese restaurant menu in cafe.
ad suddenly someone who seated next by me talked to me.
=> who was seated next to me
after some talks, i knew she is tailand who interested in korea.
=> after some talking, i knew she is a Thai who is interested in korea.
so we gave our line id each other and had a promise to hang out.
=> we gave our line id to each other / and promised to hang out.
=> we exchanged line IDs / and promised to hang out.
and today's work in restaurant is too hard for me.
but learning something new is wonderful.
i will do better and better in everything.