6. 2018년 9월 10일
이자야와 말해서 시간을 더 늦추기로 합의했다.
고마와 이자야-!
Today is a day of work.
=> Today is a busy day.
not a official work. working for me!
=> not official work. but doing work for myself!
i really like write to posts in my blog.
it's just my diary but i spend a lot of time for it.
=> spend a lot of time on it
i expected that i will read this when i'm old.
it's so memorable time to me.
=> they are very momorable times for me
and i was am ready for tomorrow's work at restaurant.
i made a document for order, so it will be make easier than before.
=> document for ordering = tick form for ordering
i look forward to tomorrow.
=>i'm looking forward to tomorrow.
보통 working day는 refers to (나타내다) weekdays. (평일)
a day of work 라는 의미는 하루에 한 일의 양을 뜻한다.
like "today i've done a day of work" or "i've done two days of work in one day"
hectic - 정신없이 바쁜
document - 공식 서류나 컴퓨터 상 문서에 사용