
8. 2018년 9월 12일

무르마 2018. 9. 13. 00:13

늘 이자야와 나, 둘 다 까먹고 10시 반까지 서로 연락 안하다가

10시 반이 되어서야 부랴부랴 내가 미안하다고 연락했다.

이자야도 자다가 일어났다고 한다.

일을 시작해서 시간이 애-매해졌지만 그래도 오늘도 우리는 달린다.

Today is my first regular work in a restaurant.

the restaurant is more busy than i thought.

=> was busier than

but i made a mistake, just one.

i think it's a good start.

and every customers treated me very nice. => nicely

and they told me "thank u" always.

=> (alternative) They always said "thank u" to me

i'm so lucky girl to got this job.

=> I'm such a lucky girl to get this job.

after working, i had a little migraine.

maybe i was too much nervous in work time.

=> maybe i was too nervous during work time.

i should take a rest.